Port Hawkesbury Enters Phase 3 of Hubs Project

Over the past year, Bicycle Nova Scotia (BNS) has been working on plans for a network of bicycle routes that will provide a safer and more well-connected environment to move about Port Hawkesbury by bicycle. Through the first two stages of this project, a network of three routes was proposed, followed by the selection of one of the routes to bring forward into the concept design stage. A route running along Granville Street, Sydney Road, the Sydney-to-Pinecrest walking path, and Pinecrest Drive was selected as the favoured route.

Through each of the project stages, BNS has relied on input from the residents of Port Hawkesbury to help in the decision-making process. Once again, BNS is looking for feedback regarding the potential design options for the different sections of the route.

The survey includes layout options for each section along the route, and is looking for local expertise on what might work best in the area, and what the Town should build to increase the safety of cycling.

Residents of Port Hawkesbury, take the survey today! Survey closes May 14th, 2021.