Pop-up Bike Lanes Coming to Lunenburg

Bicycle Nova Scotia has been working with the Town of Lunenburg through the Blue Route Hubs Project. We have funding to develop temporary interventions to make it safer and more appealing to walk, roll, and cycle in the Town of Lunenburg in 2021. Temporary projects could include pop-up bike lanes, open street Sundays, or other short-term infrastructure changes to make it easier to travel throughout Luneburg. We look forward to continuing to work with Lunenburg Town staff and residents to support safe active transportation options. 

The Hubs project is a Bicycle Nova Scotia initiative to assist municipalities located at junctions along the Blue Route in implementing active transportation infrastructure. We completed the Blue Route Hubs Project in Lunenburg in 2019 and we are providing ongoing support for implementation. The temporary project this summer could act as a pilot project for the bike route concept design from our Blue Route Hubs project. It would also contribute to Action 30 (Improve connectivity between Old/New Town for all modes of transportation) in Lunenburg’s Comprehensive Community Plan, supporting the Town’s long-term goals.

The Blue Route facilitates tourism, and the Hubs project creates additional transportation options for locals, better connecting people to their community. Cycling is a sustainable, healthy transportation option for Nova Scotians, with infrastructure that costs far less to implement and maintain than infrastructure for motor vehicles. Interest in cycling has been increasing around the world, including a 10-fold increase in cycling in Nova Scotia since 2015. COVID-19 has also had an impact on cycling, with an unprecedented increase in bicycle sales in Nova Scotia. We are excited to work with the Town of Lunenburg to pilot safe walking, rolling, or cycling connections in 2021.

Join the Project Team

We are seeking Lunenburg residents and business owners who would like to help steer the temporary active transportation project for the 2021 season. Contact Alison Carlyle at [email protected] to learn more or join the Project Team.